Shipping policy

Below you will find our delivery policies, which take into account EU legislation. These policies are an integral part of our Terms of Service.

If you have any questions regarding returns or refunds, please also read our Return and Refund Policy, where you will find detailed information about the options and conditions for returning goods.

Availability of Goods and Order Processing

  • Information about Delivery Time
    For each product on our website, we specify the estimated number of working days required for delivery. This time may vary depending on the carrier, current availability, and delivery location.
  • In-Stock Goods
    If the goods are available in our warehouse and we receive the order on a working day by 12:00 PM, we will dispatch it by the next working day at the latest.
  • Goods Marked as "In Store"
    If the product is available directly in the store, the dispatch may be delayed by 1 working day to allow us to transfer it to our central warehouse.
  • Made-to-Order Goods
    If you see the label "Made to Order" on a product, it means the goods are not physically in stock. Please contact us by phone or email for more information about the delivery time. Upon your confirmation of the delivery date, a purchase agreement is established.
  • Inability to Deliver
    If it happens that we are unable to deliver the ordered goods (sold out, unforeseen obstacles, etc.), we will inform you immediately and agree on the next steps (e.g., changing or canceling the order).

Delivery Area

  • Delivery within the EU
    All orders are shipped from our warehouses within the EU, and we deliver without any issues to all EU member states.
  • Delivery outside the EU
    We can arrange delivery outside the EU territory as well. In such cases, please contact us in advance at or by phone so that we can agree on individual shipping conditions (including customs and tax fees).

    Please note that all additional costs (e.g., customs duties, VAT, and other statutory fees) are fully borne by the buyer.

Shipping Companies and Delivery Methods

  • Carriers
    We cooperate with renowned carriers such as GLS, DHL, TNT, and UPS, who ensure safe and fast delivery.
  • Selection of Carrier
    We inform you about the specific carrier in the confirmation email after dispatching your order. We will provide your contact details to the carrier so that you can arrange delivery details.

Delivery Costs

  • Standard Package: from €3.90 including VAT
  • Large Package: from €7.90 including VAT
  • Cash on Delivery (payment upon receipt): currently not available
  • Exact Shipping Cost:
    Calculated in the shopping cart based on the weight, dimensions of the package, destination country, and chosen carrier.

Payment Processing and Shipping

  • Orders during Holidays and Weekends
    All orders received during public holidays and weekends are processed and handed over to the carrier on the next working day.
  • Payment by Bank Transfer
    If you choose bank transfer, we will dispatch the goods by the next working day at the latest after your payment has been credited to our account.
  • Shipment Delay
    All delivery times are approximate. They may be extended in the event of stock unavailability, during seasonal peaks, or due to technical reasons (strikes, bad weather, other unforeseen obstacles).

Responsibility and Limitations

  • Delay by the Carrier
    KiiDS.SHOP is not responsible for any delay or damage to the package caused by the carrier's failure or other circumstances beyond our control.
  • Incorrectly Entered Address
    We are not responsible for the non-delivery of the shipment due to an incorrectly provided delivery address.
  • Unforeseeable Obstacles
    In the event of natural disasters or other events beyond our control that may affect delivery, we will inform you about possible solutions.

Returns and Complaints

If you have any issues with the delivered goods, please read our Return and Refund Policy, where you will find detailed rules and deadlines regarding returns or complaints.

In accordance with EU legislation, you have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the day the shipment is delivered. Please direct all questions regarding returns and complaints to


KiiDS.SHOP reserves the right to update or change these Delivery Policies at any time to reflect changes in our logistical procedures, legal regulations, or shipping conditions. You can always find the current version on our website. By continuing to shop, you agree to their new terms.