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Montessori learning tower - leg&go

Montessori learning tower - leg&go

Regular price 120.00 €
Regular price Sale price 120.00 €
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🪑 If you are trying to involve your children in common household activities, we are happy to present the folding educational tower for kids. The tower is designed so that your children can easily and safely reach the kitchen counters, counters and sinks. This allows them to actively participate in various activities that take place in the home, making them feel more involved and valuable.

🏗 Folding educational the tower is made of high-quality materials with an emphasis on its stability and strength. This tower is designed to safely support up to 50 kg, making it an ideal accessory for children between the ages of one and ten. It is also possible to add optional stabilizers for even greater security. Stabilizers are available in natural color.

📦 There is also a unique collapsible design that makes handling the tower easier. When the tower is not in use, simply fold it up and store it, saving valuable space in your home. Thanks to its practicality and efficiency, this design is an ideal solution for families who want to maximize the use of their space.

Optional stabilizers additionally increase safety during active use of the tower, thus ensuring maximum stability during daily activities of your children.

Pluses 🏆

• You can with the folding educational tower support the development of your children's independence and self-confidence. Emphasis on active involvement and independent work helps children feel confident and competent.
• The educational tower is designed so that your children can be actively involved in everyday activities. In this way, they can gain a better understanding of the importance of these tasks and also develop a sense of responsibility.
• The tower also serves as a tool for developing new practical skills. While children learn to engage in different activities, they work on their fine motor skills and abilities.
• This learning tower provides a safe environment for children to learn and have fun. All the materials used to make this tower are safe for children, and its solid construction ensures that they can move and play without worry.
• The educational tower also supports your children's natural curiosity. It offers them the opportunity to discover new things from the height of adults, thereby fulfilling their natural desire to learn about the world.

Dimensions 📐

• The total height of this folding educational tower is 90 cm, which is an ideal height for children of different age groups.
• The width of the tower is 41 cm, which ensures that it is wide enough to provide stable and secure support.
• The depth of the tower is 48 cm, which ensures that it is deep enough to provide a safe surface for various activities.
• This tower has two platform height options - 45cm and 35cm. This allows the height of the tower to be adjusted according to your children's growth and needs.

🎈 Finally, we would like to encourage you to order a folding educational tower today. We believe that it will bring many new possibilities and experiences to your life and the life of your children. This tower will not only enrich your children's daily life, but also allow you to make better use of your space and adapt it to your family's needs. Let your children discover the world around them on new levels thanks to our folding educational tower!

Don't forget that you can also choose optional stabilizers for increased security.

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Dobrý deň,
Chcela by som sa Vám poďakovať za Učiacu vežu Montessori - Leg&Go. Je naozaj kvalitne vyrobená a moje dieťa ju miluje! Umožňuje nám tráviť spoločné chvíle v kuchyni. Montáž bola jednoduchá a materiály pôsobia odolne. Odporúčam tento produkt každej rodine s malými deťmi.

S pozdravom,


Učiaca veža Montessori od leg&go je geniálna! Moje dieťa sa pri nej skvele zabaví a učí.Výborná kvalita a funkčnosť.
Vrelo odporúčam!

Drahá Zora,

prv než čokoľvek iného by sme chceli vyjadriť našu srdečnú vďaku za to, že ste si našli čas a zanechali ste takú krásnu a pozitívnu recenziu našeho produktu - Učiaca veža Montessori od leg&go.

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