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Piklerova triangle and Climbing wall 2in1 - leg&go

Piklerova triangle and Climbing wall 2in1 - leg&go

Regular price 160.00 €
Regular price Sale price 160.00 €
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🧸 The Pikler triangle is an extremely unique piece that will transform your home into a small playground for your children aged 6 months to 7 years. Say yes to a whole new form of fun and learning for your child!

👶 Pikler triangle is not only a toy. It's also a tool that can help your baby pull up and stand when he's only around six months old. When your baby learns to walk, this triangle will be a real challenge for him.

💡 This triangle is much more. It is a versatile, functional climbing triangle that will provide your children with endless opportunities for learning and fun.

🍒 Playing with our triangle brings many benefits. Improves agility, joy of movement, balance, motor skills, courage, joint health, muscle development and bone health. Several physiotherapists have found that this toy is an excellent tool for improving the child's immunity.

🔍 Triangle Pikler, named after Dr. Emmi Pikler is a climbing structure where children learn to navigate at their own pace. It allows children to explore their bodies, understand their limits and respond to their climbing needs.

🔹 Summary of product benefits:

  • 🧸 Unique toy for children aged 6 months to 7 years
  • 👶 Supports the child's physical development
  • 💡 Endless possibilities for learning and fun
  • 🍒 It brings many benefits for the health and development of the child
  • 🔍 Supports independent learning and discovery
  • 📐 Made of quality material, FSC certified

📐 Specifications:

  • Made from FSC-certified Finnish birch plywood from sustainable sources.
  • Height – 68 cm
  • Length – 87 cm
  • Width – 78 cm

🎁 If you are looking for the perfect gift for your children that will provide hours of fun and develop their skills, the Pikler triangle is what you need. Click and order it now!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Petra S.

S touto hračkou som naozaj spokojná. Moja dcéra ju včera prvýkrát vyskúšala a bola nadšená.

Vážená Petra,

Ďakujeme Vám za zdieľanie svojej spokojnosti s nákupom Piklerovho trojuholníka. Sme veľmi radi, že sa Vám a Vašej dcére hračka páči a že ste s ňou spokojní.

Vaša spätná väzba je pre nás veľmi dôležitá, pretože nám pomáha neustále zlepšovať naše služby a ponuku produktov. Teší nás, že Piklerov trojuholník prináša radosť do života Vašej dcéry a podporuje jej rozvoj a zručnosti.

Ak budete mať v budúcnosti akékoľvek otázky alebo potrebujete odporúčania pre ďalšie nákupy, neváhajte sa obrátiť na náš tím podpory. Rádi Vám poskytneme potrebné informácie a pomôžeme s výberom.

Ďakujeme za Vašu dôveru a tešíme sa na možnosť pomôcť Vám pri ďalšom nákupe na KiiDS.SHOP.

S úctou,